When I first started writing songs on the piano, I’d get vertigo every time I looked at the keys. It all seemed so confusing and like a completely different language. But once you understand the notes of the octave, it really isn’t as confusing as I had first thought. In this article, I’ll break down the octave for those getting piano vertigo like I did when I first started.

Mix preparation, often referred to as mix prep, is a fundamental step in the audio production process. It involves organizing and optimizing your session before diving into the actual mixing, laying the groundwork for a smooth and efficient workflow. These pro tips will help you get your mix sessions prepped like a professional. Remember, you’re reading this because you’re dedicated to improving your skills—so feel great about yourself!

Having spent over 20 years in the professional recording and music industry, I’ve learned that microphone selection and placement are crucial for capturing the best sound. One of my first major sessions was setting up vocal tracks for Britney Spears’ “In the Zone” in 2003. Throughout my career, including my time teaching at university, I’ve analyzed various microphones and how they interact with different vocal timbres. There’s no one-size-fits-all microphone—different voices excel with different mics.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new non-profit organization, the AMP Education Foundation! At AMP Music Lab, we have always been passionate about empowering artists and fostering music education, and the AMP Education Foundation represents the next step in our commitment to these goals.

When songwriters first encounter the concept of copyright, their immediate reaction is often to think, “I need to protect my work so no one steals my music.” However, I’d stress that copyright infringement is more of a “rich-man’s game,” similar to commercial real estate. Instead, I encourage you to focus on understanding copyright for the future purpose of licensing your music to other artists or for use in TV and film through sync and master use licensing. (More on that in another post on this blog.) For now, let’s break down music copyright and the “two sides.”

When I first learned about the three dimensions of mixing, it was an “aha” moment that transformed my understanding of audio production. You’ll have several of these enlightening moments on your journey to mastering the art of recording and mixing your own music. This concept was first introduced to me through David Gibson’s insightful book, The Art of Mixing. If you’re interested in diving deeper into this approach, I highly recommend checking out his book on Amazon, where you’ll find invaluable insights and practical techniques that can elevate your mixing skills (disclaimer: as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases).