Evolution of Sequencing: TR-808 Patterns, Songs, and Modern DAW Workflows

Evolution of Sequencing: TR-808 Patterns, Songs, and Modern DAW Workflows

This article delves into the foundational concepts of patterns and songs introduced by the iconic Roland TR-808 drum machine, tracing their evolution and significant influence... Details
Chords and Popular Progressions: Unlocking the Secrets to Hit Songs

Chords and Popular Progressions: Unlocking the Secrets to Hit Songs

When I first started writing music, I quickly realized that understanding chords is crucial to creating compelling and memorable songs. Whether you're a beginner or... Details
Discovering Musical Modes: A Gateway to Creative Songwriting

Discovering Musical Modes: A Gateway to Creative Songwriting

When you first start writing music, you probably explore the major and minor scales. While these scales are foundational, there are other musical modes that... Details
AMP Formuliacs: Unlocking the Secrets of Major and Minor Scales

AMP Formuliacs: Unlocking the Secrets of Major and Minor Scales

When I first started writing songs using the computer, I relied heavily on musical formulas to guide me. Over time, I compiled a system called... Details
Discovering the Piano: Exploring the 12 Notes of the Octave

Discovering the Piano: Exploring the 12 Notes of the Octave

When I first started writing songs on the piano, I’d get vertigo every time I looked at the keys. It all seemed so confusing and... Details
Unlocking the Secrets of Music Theory for Music Production

Unlocking the Secrets of Music Theory for Music Production

When I first started in music production, I was making beats on an MPC 2000. I could create some cool 4-measure loops, but they quickly... Details
How Professional Music is Created and You Achieve It

How Professional Music is Created and You Achieve It

In our Professional Music Production Pipeline, a song undergoes a transformative journey through five key stages before it's ready for commercial release. This structured process... Details