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We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new non-profit organization, the AMP Education Foundation! At AMP Music Lab, we have always been passionate about empowering artists and fostering music education, and the AMP Education Foundation represents the next step in our commitment to these goals.

Our Mission

The AMP Education Foundation is dedicated to providing access to high-quality music education and resources to underserved communities. Our mission is to nurture the next generation of musicians and audio engineers by offering scholarships, workshops, and community programs designed to inspire and educate.

Our mission is to redefine STEM learning, debunking the myth of STEM and the arts being dichotomous. Instead, we believe these disciplines are interconnected, enriching one another. By showcasing the innate connection between music, engineering, science, and mathematics, we inspire students to embark on a journey of inquiry, creative problem-solving, and self-expression. AMP-ED is not just about education; it’s about empowering the next generation with the boundless potential of creativity and STEM.

What We Offer

  • Scholarships: We provide financial assistance to talented individuals who aspire to pursue a career in music but lack the resources to access professional training and education.
  • Workshops: Our foundation will host a series of workshops covering various aspects of music production, including recording, mixing, mastering, and DJ’ing. These workshops are designed to be accessible and informative, ensuring that participants gain valuable skills and knowledge.
  • Community Programs: We are committed to giving back to the community through music outreach programs. These initiatives will bring music education to local schools, community centers, and other organizations, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to experience the joy of music.

IThrough our programs, we strive to redirect the spotlight onto the boundless potential of STEM, reshaping the aspirations of the next generation to shape tomorrow’s tech landscape.

-Natalie Dempsey, Executive Director at AMP Education Foundation

Get Involved

We invite you to join us in this exciting new chapter. There are many ways to get involved with the AMP Education Foundation:

  • Donate: Your contributions will directly support our programs and help us provide scholarships and resources to those in need.
  • Volunteer: We are always looking for passionate individuals to join our team. Whether you have expertise in music education or simply want to help out at events, your involvement is invaluable.
  • Spread the Word: Help us raise awareness about our foundation and its mission. Share our story with your friends, family, and social media networks.

Looking Ahead

The launch of the AMP Education Foundation is just the beginning. We have ambitious plans to expand our programs and reach even more aspiring musicians and audio engineers in the coming years. Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events, scholarship opportunities, and community programs.

We are incredibly excited about the future and the positive impact that the AMP Education Foundation will have on our community. Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of our journey.

Contact Us

For more information about the AMP Education Foundation, please visit our website

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One Reply to “Launch of AMP Education Foundation”

  • Travis Sean
    Travis Sean

    AMP-ED is not just about education; it’s about empowering the next generation with the boundless potential of creativity and STEM

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